Fanfare! SIGs Are Here!

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
Welcome to the Colony’s latest innovation, Social Interest Groups (SIGs).

Think about SIGs as a sane alternative to Facebook. With none of the drawbacks. You can create your own SIG and invite other people into it. Or you can join other members’ SIGs.

A SIG can be on any topic you want it to be (although remember, we don’t do politics here, so a rabidly partisan SIG isn’t a good idea!). If you like making cakes (I can think of a few Litopians who do… or at least, they like eating cakes) then create a SIG for yourself and other like-minded folk.

If you like opera, you can do likewise.

Or soap carving.

You choose.

Obviously, this being a writers’ colony, there’s limitless opportunity for reading and writing-related SIGs. Stephen King fans, for example. Or…? It’s really up to you. Each SIG comes with its own:
  • News feed;
  • Discussion forum;
  • Events calendar;
  • And resource area.
I’m more than happy for you to invite your writerly friends from elsewhere to join your own SIG here. SIGs are open to Basic Members as well as Full Members. And Litopia is a far nicer environment than Facebook, for sure.

Writers don’t always need to have their noses to the grindstone. The fallow periods in-between bouts of intense activity are just as important as the tough grind. So come and share your passions, your delights, your obsessions and your eccentricities… all within the nurturing and supportive environment that is Litopia.

The Basics

  • Groups are accessible either from the main top menu or from the “SIG” item on the home page.
  • You can create and/or join up to ten SIGs.
  • If a SIG has had no activity for 30 days it will be automatically removed.
  • At the moment, we only have two main categories – “Literati” (for books and reading etc) and “Everything Else”. Categories will be expanded as groups develop. When creating a group you should choose the appropriate category.
  • As the SIG owner you should invite members to join – post an announcement in Café Life, for example – then you are responsible for running it.

Do ask if anything isn’t clear.

The first SIG is the Litopia Book Club organised by @Jason L. I’m joining it – hope you do, too!

Have fun!

:) p.
OK, I think problem solved, try now.

Also, I've just finished a simple "How To" guide, here:

No I don't know the Jez Hal story thing, but if you mean those who've seen ghosts and other weird things, then I'm in.
Jezebel runs this thread-contest every year. Should be starting soon. Ends with Halloween. If you click on the link it's some of the stories from last year I think. The rule is it must be true. Judging by some of the writerly responses-some dont follow the rule. But the winners at least have a sense of authenticity.
So yes, ghosts and weird things.
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