Ok, can I wade in here? I occasionally think about changing my name. I entered a poetry competition once under the pseudonym Sulis Temple - I quite like it. Husband says I should just keep my name as it is.
But, I sometimes wonder if Galadriel is off-putting. Agents or readers might assume my writing is Tolkienesque (it isn't) or that I'm away with the fairies (well, sometimes

@SM Worsey and resistance to SM. I've got the nascent beginnings of a website, but what I'm swiftly realising is that blogging is saying more about the internal life of me as person than it is about someone who is trying to promote an as yet unpublished book. I'm not even thinking about where I might alphabetically sit on a bookshelf. I'm finding myself at a crossroads, where I'm now wondering if my thrust is to write stories to tell stories, or if I'm writing because something else wants to come through. Can't explain it.
I've been very resistant to social media, and I've no intention of tweeting. Blogging however, is something I've pondered many a time. But why should a writer feel they must have an online presence? After all, there's thousands out there already, and unless people know how to find you, or it's happenstance they do, then you could be just as invisible as you are being an unpublished author.
When I began blogging (very recently), I deleted several posts without ever publishing them. I thought, every post is 'defining me.' I'm putting up a version of myself, that can't possibly be representative of all that I am. And someone is going to come along and try to define who I am based on what I've selected to write about on my blog. So, an agent might draw their own conclusions about the kind of person they think I am and will make a decision (possibly) to take me on or not, rather than on my query letter, synopsis and extract.
The insight that came to me, was actually a fear of failure and a fear of not being seen in the 'right way.' Once I looked it like that, I've discovered a new energy has entered in the way I write. It's like the 'non-fiction' blog is enhancing creativity and feeding into my fiction writing.
To return to the name, SM Worsey - I think Jonny's right - it could sit nicely with any genre, and as he says, it does have gravitas. Perhaps it's difficult to regard your own name objectively. There again, like my issues with blogging and identity, we're drawing conclusions about personas behind names. . .