Sharing social media

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Georgina Key
Mar 16, 2019
Houston, TX
If any of you, like me, are trying to build your author presence on FB and/or IG, let’s share info so we can support and follow each other. I know this is in some of your profiles, but I’d love to see links all in one thread. Many of you are probably reclusive, private writer-types, but I’ve found such a supportive community of writers, especially on IG.
BLOGS: georgina key
I'm only on twitter and blog. I update the blog regularly and look for people I know, but twitter is something I'm still learning and adding people to follow. No FB or IG.
Here's my Twitter
And my Instagram

My IG currently consists of micro book reviews. Only positive ones. If I don't like a book, I just don't include it. :)

I'm following you, Georgina :rainbow: (and various other Litopians!)
Just looked through some of your book reviews—will be checking some of those out! It’s astonishing to me how many British writers I miss out on here in the US! I guess a lot of books just don’t make it over here
I'm @hfaoilean on twitter.

I got locked out of FB for trying to set up a business facebook page. They said I couldn't have two different accounts then must have decided I'm a bot and locked me out. Said to send my passport to get back in - eh - I don't think so.

Haven't tried IG.
I got locked out of FB for trying to set up a business facebook page.
:O I've never heard of that happening, only if you try to set up 2 personal pages. I have multiple business pages connected to my account for work, so maybe contact them and explain the mix up?

Here are mine:
Author Facebook Page:
Instagram: Nikky Lee - Author (@nikkymlee) • Instagram photos and videos (I'm still finding my way around this one, but I've found this site quite useful Instagram Marketing: The Ultimate Guide For Your Business)
Goodreads: Nikky Lee
I'm @hfaoilean on twitter.

I got locked out of FB for trying to set up a business facebook page. They said I couldn't have two different accounts then must have decided I'm a bot and locked me out. Said to send my passport to get back in - eh - I don't think so.

Haven't tried IG.
How strange!
:O I've never heard of that happening, only if you try to set up 2 personal pages. I have multiple business pages connected to my account for work, so maybe contact them and explain the mix up?

Here are mine:
Author Facebook Page:
Instagram: Nikky Lee - Author (@nikkymlee) • Instagram photos and videos (I'm still finding my way around this one, but I've found this site quite useful Instagram Marketing: The Ultimate Guide For Your Business)
Goodreads: Nikky Lee
Following! Thanks for sharing
Here's my Twitter
And my Instagram

My IG currently consists of micro book reviews. Only positive ones. If I don't like a book, I just don't include it. :)

I'm following you, Georgina :rainbow: (and various other Litopians!)
That's a lovely way to go about the world, I have the same attitude :) There's no point dumping any more hate into the world, happy vibes are much needed hahah woooo!
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