Sapere Books?

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Steve C

Mar 1, 2019
Anyone come across them? Sapere Books - Breaking Boundaries in Digital Publishing
If I decide to give Amazon a go this is probably the way I would do it. ie get the promotional experts in. Not sure yet how legit they are so I am waiting for them to reply to my email.
In the meantime perhaps someone here has experience of them. If it is detrimental please PM me to avoid any possible concerns.
Since posting I have received a prompt reply from them which clears up my concern. This may be a realistic option for those looking at self publishing who have no clue how to or time to do it.
'We edit all books extensively and we do not ask for any money from authors.'
Just read The Bookseller article, which suggests Sapere is a 'regular' publisher. Doesn't mention providing publishing for self-publishing authors.

I think I'm probably being thick here, but I don't understand...
The way I read it, they're like any other publisher (i.e. you have to submit and be accepted).

But they only do e-books and POD (which anyone can do if they want to self publish, but Sapere offer editorial assistance, basically for 20% - if Amazon pays authors 70% and they're paying authors 50%). Usual publishers do e-book and bookstore copies. So they're really digital publishers, which they're upfront about.

Looks legit to me. It's quite good for opening up other options for authors.
How I see it is if they like your book and think it will sell they market it on amazon for you. That is after the usual editing/cover design/formatting etc which they finance. Proceeds are then shared 50-50. The thing is they are marketing experts and have loads of bloggers at their disposal to push your product. They understand how the system works and play it. I think trying to conquer Amazon alone would be very difficult.
This seems an obvious step in the world of publishing. They don't get involved in any hardcopy so their costs are minimised which also means that lengthier books are not penalised in the selection process.
The downside is one of ego in that you cannot claim to be traditionally published but so what if you make some money. It may be a way into that world. I think a successful amazon author would gain the attention of the traditional world.
I'm curious @Steve C - why are they not a trade publisher? They appear to be doing everything I would expect from a normal trade digital first/only publisher.
I'm curious @Steve C - why are they not a trade publisher? They appear to be doing everything I would expect from a normal trade digital first/only publisher.
Not sure what you mean by a trade publisher? They seem to be filling a natural niche. They are taking a professional approach to selling on Amazon only, which costs relatively little but which most of us cannot afford or don't have the marketing skills for and taking a cut for doing so. That's the way I see it. If you mean traditional publishing I think they view that as a separate style which they are not interested in.
To set up a trad publishing company from scratch takes big money but a digital publisher needs a lot of know-how and not so much dosh.
I always thought 'Trade' and 'traditional' were the same thing, just that those in the industry prefer to use the term 'trade'. Happy to stand corrected though.
Trade and traditional are the same (What Are Trade Books in Publishing?). Reading between the lines of their website, what I believe Sapare are doing is helping authors self-publish, but they're acting like a traditional publisher in how they accept subs and provide editorial assistance and covers (which you don't have if you self publish but for what you organise for yourself), but if accepted, they'll only publish digitally.

It's handy that they open up an avenue for authors to publish. It's quite ingenious and shows how the industry is evolving.

Seems quite fair to me.
@RK Capps Yeah, the other big thing they have is an army of bloggers who go to work publicizing your work. This can make a huge difference to sales and something the normal self-publisher doesn't have or would take years to build up. I would certainly submit to them before going the do it yourself route.
Ah I see, so they're a self publishing service rather than a digital first trade publisher. That makes sense.
Yes @Kitty, I don't think they can be trade when Amazon does the POD and ebooks (like a self-publisher).

Anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong :)

I would certainly submit to them before going the do it yourself route.

It's a good idea to try them for anyone wanting to self-pub. Having self-published, I won't try again, it was just too hard with my disability (writing is hard enough). It's traditional for me, or not at all. I need the support.
Well all the digital first e-publishers use Amazon so that in itself doesn't preclude them from being a trade publisher. Offering a self publishing service is quite a different matter since the author is the customer.

Personally I'm with you on wanting to go trade, but if I do eventually self publish I'll certainly check these guys out, although I'm more inclined to manage the whole thing myself and contract out for editing and cover design as I choose rather than going with one of these services, although I can see how, for many people, they are a good choice.
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