Paul V
Hello All.
I hope you've all had a good Easter break. Mine was ok until I managed to bugger my calf muscle when my mountain bike and I parted company going down a fairly quick downhill route...
On the plus side, being less mobile for a few days will give me an opportunity to write more!
Anyway, finally after self publishing on Amazon 6 years ago and 3125 downloads, I've finally reached 100 reviews/ratings! (4.5 overall) To me, that is a fairly poor ratio. What are your review/ratings experiences as indie authors? How do you go about getting more reviews?
I hope you've all had a good Easter break. Mine was ok until I managed to bugger my calf muscle when my mountain bike and I parted company going down a fairly quick downhill route...

Anyway, finally after self publishing on Amazon 6 years ago and 3125 downloads, I've finally reached 100 reviews/ratings! (4.5 overall) To me, that is a fairly poor ratio. What are your review/ratings experiences as indie authors? How do you go about getting more reviews?