Reviewers Still Needed!

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
We still need one or two more reviewers for the soon-to-be-launched Pop-Up Submissions review process. The software is in place but needs a thorough testing. If you’d like to join the team, please let me know here.
Yes, I'll give it a go.
Terry, I've made you a Reviewer. You should now have access to the Reviewer area here:

Also, you should have received an email with your login details to the Review Inbox. The password is NOT the same as your login to the Colony. You'll find the link to login and start the review process here:

PS - Still not had a reminder for this year's subscription.
Thanks for pointing this out, Terry.

I’m going to manually downgrade you now(!) so you can purchase an upgrade. Let me know if this doesn’t work.

Hi, I think I'm interested, but I must have missed the details.
Basically, we’re putting in a review process for Pop-Up Submissions. We have to do something to bring the backlog down to manageable proportions.

Reviewing will give you an interesting perspective on the submissions process that writers don’t usually experience.

And you get to collaborate with the fabulous @Emily :)
I also am wondering what this is, what would it entail.
Difficult to say time-wise, but probably 30mins or more a week.

I’ll be giving guidance to reviewers soon - for the moment, we need to test the system.
We still need one or two more reviewers for the soon-to-be-launched Pop-Up Submissions review process. The software is in place but needs a thorough testing. If you’d like to join the team, please let me know here.
Happy to give it a whirl. I’m guessing I should upgrade my membership first.
Basically, we’re putting in a review process for Pop-Up Submissions. We have to do something to bring the backlog down to manageable proportions.

Reviewing will give you an interesting perspective on the submissions process that writers don’t usually experience.

And you get to collaborate with the fabulous @Emily :)
OHH You had me at Emily. I am a speed reader. It's my little super power.
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