Reject Rejection!

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Paul Whybrow

Full Member
Jun 20, 2015
Cornwall, UK
If you give up submitting, your book will never be published!

The Most-Rejected Books of All Time

Some words of wisdom from Patricia Highsmith, as found in her Plotting and Writing Suspense Fiction, which sum up the resilience a writer needs:

A writer should not think he is bad or finished (if a book fails to find a market)...Every failure teaches something. You should have the feeling, as every experienced writer has, that there are more ideas where that one came from, more strength where the first strength came from, and that you are inexhaustible as long as you are alive.
Well. Right now I'm thinking self-publishing might be the best for anyone who wants to write. But then, the amount of garbage people self-pub distresses me. But the amount of garbage that was published used to distress me.
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