quick question!

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Hey Brooke.

This is the right place to ask questions.

If you're looking for feedback, then The Writing Workshops is the perfect place. You can put up your work in there. The Workshops may not be accessible for a few days as you're a newbie. I can't remember, but you might need to have been a member for a bit and posted a few times before you can get access to that part of the colony, I can't remember - it's been a while since I joined. Anyway, you will find lots of helpful folk in the Workshops who will be happy to help you. We encourage new members to give feedback on other people's work before they actually post their own work up for critique. For various reasons; check out Agent's Pete's threads in there about how to use the workshops as well as the Litopia method of giving and receiving crit. It'll all become clearer. Also, members are more inclined to help you if you have built a relationship with them and if you dedicate some time to help them first.

Cafe Life is used for general chat. The Writer's Room is for anything writing related. We also have the Backroom which is only accessible to paying members. Paying members can also participate in the Huddles. Huddles are our weekly Zoom meet ups, where we discuss our work (you can bring anything up to 1k words, like a first page, a synopsis or a blurb), and where we talk about writing industry stuff, and where we socialise.

Any questions, ask away. To get most out of this place, get stuck in. You'll soon get the hang of it.
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Hi @Brooke

Welcome to the colony. Hope you find it to be of real benefit and enjoy your time here.

Litopia is an incredibly supportive community and you will get great advice on your work.

However, one of the things we ask for is that colonists interact.

Critique is a two-way street. So please consider reading and commenting on the work of others before plunging in. Most find giving feedback is so helpful to improving their own projects.

Participating like this enables you to establish your own profile and begin to build relationships with other colonists. In turn this will lead to greater levels of interaction when it comes to your work.

If you need any assistance please don’t hesitate to send me a direct message and I will be happy to assist if I can.
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Hi @Brooke – I see your questions have been well answered by other Litopians. As you can see, we're a very friendly bunch here. I thought I'd just add my Welcome! to theirs. I'm sure you'll enjoy exploring the Colony and getting to know everyone.

Remember, you can also submit the first 700 words of your own work to Pop-Ups if you'd like some advice on the beginning. That's on YouTube, Sunday evenings from 5pm (UK time). I'm not sure what that is in Georgia but the beauty of YouTube is you can catch up with it any time. Check it out. There's excellent advice every week on writing and publishing in general.

And, as Jonny mentions, the Writing Workshops are always a two-way street. Your opinions as a reader (and a writer) as just as valid as everyone else's, so please join in whenever you can.

If you have any other questions, just let us know.
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