Pop-Ups - Word of the Day or Book Recommendations?

Word of the Day or Book Reccomendation?

  • Word of the Day

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Book Reccomendation

    Votes: 18 100.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
I've just posted a terrific collection of Pop-Ups’ Words of the Day as brought to us by our guests over the past few months, carefully assembled by @AliG (thank you!). Do browse, you'll have fun.
I’ve been wondering whether we should instead ask our guests to reccomend a book, or at least tell us what they’re currently reading. The format doesn’t really alow time for both. Your views welcome, please.
I do like the words, but I will go with the overwhelming majority and … BOOKS
Alternatively, we could pick a word out of the recommended book? Only joking …
I'm singing with the choir on this one. Book recommendations (or what are you currently reading), yes please. :)
Oh, I seem to be in the minority - I love the finding of a new word, especially if it's a word that says exactly what I want for that place in the story. An exact word that does what many words can't.
Vote One The Words!!

Okay, I like the idea of great titles, too.
Or perhaps … Book Title , brief summary of why you would recommend / like it, and a line from the book that represents the writing?
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