Help Please! Pop-up Help

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To answer your question people are going to need what happens when you try to upload ...

Do you get an error message?
If so, what is that error message?
If you don't get an error message--what happens instead?

Also, if I recall there is no confirmation message.
So, dumb question but how are you sure it's not uploading? If your answer to the above questions is 'no error message' and 'nothing'.

And you might have to delete your cache and cookies and such. Reboot. You could try Chrome.

Those are all of my opinions on the subject.
Tom, Amber's points are all important, can you answer and pls try her suggestion. You ought to be seeing a message that says:
"Congratulations - your submission was sent successfully!"
As usual, I’m late to the party, but @Amber has made all good suggestions. And I’d second trying out chrome as an alternative. I’ll need to confirm it, but I’ve heard of Firefox having a few issues here and there lately. And Safari doesn’t tend to work with anything that requires flash (most things on the internet).

If that doesn’t work, you can try saving the document as an older version of word (or as a compatible file...that option is under the “save as” drop down).

Hopefully, one of these options works.

If not, I’d do as @AgentPete suggests and answer the above questions so we can narrow down what might be wrong.
Do you get an error message?


If so, what is that error message?

If you don't get an error message--what happens instead?

Little circular arrow goes endlessly
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