Fanfare! Pizza Perfection? Time will tell

No, au naturel. Lovingly crafted by me.

Though the corn was frozen then thawed out and patted dry.

Update: the pizza was as good as it looked. I’m thinking of going into business. :rolling-on-the-floor-laughing:
Clean worktop I see, well done ... or is that why you went for the close up photo?

You do know that those 5 grains of sweet corn don't count as 1 of your 5 a day, don't you.

I must say it looks blimmin delicious. I hope it came with a beer or two.
Yeah, I cropped that pic so tight.

Lesson learnt. Once bitten twice shy. ;)
Cookery books are very popular, so who knows Jonny, this small start could the the beginning of a new culinary side-line. "Jonny's Italian".
However, may I suggest the addition of an egg, the next time, adding that subtle Florentine fusion.
It was very nice - that with a cold beer - very nice. Problem was it was Berkshire and not Naples. Still 2 out of 3 ain’t bad.

I have my eye in one of those indoor pizza ovens.

Has anyone got or used one? Thoughts?
Very nice seems a perfect score.
In Palermo we wanted to eat at a place where we always saw people. Finally a quiet evening and everything we wanted they were out of. So they said they'd make us a vongole pizza. It came and I confess it was not what I anticipated. Pretty sure he'd just taken the pasta sauce for that night and poured it on pizza dough. No cheese. That's your lot mate. Thing is, the dough was so spot on it was delicious.

In Switzerland everyone had an outdoor one. Except us. There was a woodburning stove that could heat your house AND bake a pizza. The only thing I've been told is dont go electric w pizza.