Our Oracle Card Deck is very successful, even though the publishers & agents didn't want it.

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Jan 20, 2018
A few years ago Leanne and I sent our Oracle Card Deck to the pop up submissions, and we had a thread on this forum to do card readings in exchange for feedback. I can't find that particular thread but here is the one where I introduce myself . After the pop up submissions we changed the title to Lemurian Starchild Oracle. I thought you might be interested to hear what happened next, also in relation to feedback from publishers and agents.

We sent our manuscript to dozens of agents and the book proposal, which we made together with a professional editor, to 5 or 6 publishers (there aren't many because they all group into bigger companies), but they didn't want it. We have self-published it (funded through Kickstarter) in June 2019. It's actually been going well, we've recently printed the second edition and we sell oracle decks every day.

In the meantime, I also wrote a few chapters of a novel, but I didn't finish it, because it didn't feel right for me in the end. It was a fun experience though, I might start something again another time. For now I am focusing on translating the Oracle Card Deck to dutch.

Before we published the Deck, we did get lots of feedback in workshops, we had a beta testing group, and feedback in this forum. (thank you so much for the support and feedback) We also worked with an editor for some of the cards. All of that greatly helped in the process.

If you have any questions about our experience of the self-publishing process, I am happy to answer.


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