On Tomorrow's Pop-Ups...

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I wonder if it had anything to do with solar storm activity. There is a big hole right now producing a solar wind due to arrive on the 17th (Thursday). A G2 solar storm can easily mess up satellites and if it goes on for a long time it can damage high latitude transformers. SpaceWeather.com -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids
Volcanic activity is a bit higher this week too and some associate it with sun spot activity. VolcanoDiscovery: volcanoes worldwide - news, info, photos, and tours to volcanoes and volcanic areas, earthquake information
A football field sized asteroid will fly between the earth and the moon tomorrow - quite a week. I wonder what the uncertainty was in that measurement. 0.5+-0.3 LD? It was expected to be visible in the sky of the southern hemisphere.
JPL Small-Body Database Browser more data, please NASA..
Not that these sorts of flybys are unusual: How a Football Field-Size Asteroid Caught Us by Surprise
I know that the literature says that there is no correlation between sunspot positions and planetary orbits, but my inner crackpot sees Jupiter lined up with earth, and I can't help but associate the sunspot with a gravitational shadow from Jupiter.
(my geophysics education is not good - I'm only qualified for crank-level speculation on this topic)

I know that the literature says that there is no correlation between sunspot positions and planetary orbits, but my inner crackpot sees Jupiter lined up with earth, and I can't help but associate the sunspot with a gravitational shadow from Jupiter.

Fabulous stuff! We’re all clearly living right on the edge…
Thinking about holidays, that’s why I love Naples so much. Living under a sodding great volcano – which will take a chunk of Europe with it when it blows – infuses the place with intensity. Memento mori… but for now, let’s party...
Jupiter hurled thunderbolts. And so he does in a manner of speaking. The ancients knew but Earth will be just fine tonight.
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