Old survey, but interesting

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Thanks for posting..... :)......I think getting published it a mixture of......great writing.....persistence.......persistence.....persistence......a dash of good luck.......and finally someone believing in your work as much as you do...... :)
A fascinating article. I've read of authors writing and submitting three or four novels before getting anywhere, whereupon those early books were dusted off and found a home - so what was wrong with them in the first place? It sometimes feels like one has to learn a secret knock to get through the gatekeeper's door, and the only way is to persist with different combinations of tactics.

Simply remembering a stranger's name is tricky, and if that unknown person happens to be an author who is trying to flog their book, then pity them. I've been online for two hours as I write this, and after opening emails, perusing The Colony, checking Facebook and reading several newsletters I subscribe to, I've already taken in a couple of hundred names - forgetting all but a few of them.

This is why persistence is vital, even if the literary agent or publisher goes "oh, it's Mr Annoying again", for they might eventually say to themselves "let's see what they want" and actually deign to read your submission.
This is why persistence is vital, even if the literary agent or publisher goes "oh, it's Mr Annoying again", for they might eventually say to themselves "let's see what they want" and actually deign to read your submission.

Persistence yes, plus the ability to listen and learn. My strategy has been 5 books in five years. The timeline was ambitious and is still slipping (currently 5 years and 2.5 books, plus loads of collateral writing), but the overal thrust remains.
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