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Cyprian McHuhg

As suggested by Peter Cox, I'm saying "Hi all", I've been working on a novel for last 2 years which is complete as I can get it right now. Just starting the agent hunt process so coming across all sorts of support stuff online, not all as useful as Litopia appears to be!
welcome, its a hard world out there but the people here are friendly and supportive. Don't hesitate to ask questions or look for advice, share your experiences and successes.
Welcome. You'll find a friendly helpful bunch here. There's a couple of places that list agents such as AgentHunter and Query Tracker ;)
Hi all, thanks for the welcome - when I got directed to this site initially there was some mention of "The Houses" - don's see that anywhere, does it still exist? Also I've inconveniently misspelled the end of my surname (I know, not a great start!) but cant see how to change it in my profile - anyone know how to do that.

thanks for asking about my book - it's called Down Untrodden Corridors and tells the story of a hit and run accident that has unforeseen, lifelong impacts on the lives of Joey Hogan and his close-knit group of early-twenties friends - commercial fiction I think is the genre label :)
There has been talk of the "houses" being brought back, though I wasn't aware of them until recently. As for editing ones name, no idea. Either there is an edit function for it, or not - haven't looked yet ;)
Hello :)

No-one seems to know yet how to correct-edit the name on your profile or the titles of threads. I take it your surname is McHugh. But what you could do meantime is go to your profile page and add a signature. This would appear at the bottom of every post
Thanks for the welcomes, and that sig suggestion Katie-Ellen, which I'll try now
Welcome! Your novel sounds intriguing! Best wishes on your hunt. It's both thrilling and annoying! Wouldn't it be fantastic to have a "dating" site for writers where agents can just shop for us, rather than the other way around? :)
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