Next Submission Surgery this Saturday

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
After a slight delay, the next Submission Surgery will be going live this Saturday at 6pm UK time, with a submission from Rachel Caldecott-Thornton.

Submission Surgeries are only for Litopians. Do come and join me, live in the chatroom, as I talk with Rachel about her submission.

A reminder that the YouTube link is unlisted and must not be shared.

More info here.
After a slight delay, the next Submission Surgery will be going live this Saturday at 6pm UK time, with a submission from Rachel Caldecott-Thornton.

Submission Surgeries are only for Litopians. Do come and join me, live in the chatroom, as I talk with Rachel about her submission.

A reminder that the YouTube link is unlisted and must not be shared.

More info here.

Rats and slithers! I just saw this! Would have liked to have participated! enjoy!
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