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Writers & Artists Short Story Writing Competition


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I was looking over a story of mine on Monday with an eye to readying it to submit. I found myself well aware that the writing, while exactly how I want it to be, is probably not a popular style -- too stream-of-consciousness. With most stories, I can "fix" the SOC writing without detriment to the story . . . but this one, I don't think I can. I've decided I will try, but not without irritation at having to compromise the voice.
If you are happy with the story, then don't change it unless "the proper incentive" (money and/or request before publishing) makes it worthwhile. One thing I learned as a computer programmer is, "no software is ever complete". There are always things you want to change, for whatever reason. But at some point you have to say "enough is enough". Same thing, apparently, occurs in writing (at least it does with me). If you feel it is the best you can possibly do, then it's done. Others will either like it, or they won't.
I was looking over a story of mine on Monday with an eye to readying it to submit. I found myself well aware that the writing, while exactly how I want it to be, is probably not a popular style -- too stream-of-consciousness. With most stories, I can "fix" the SOC writing without detriment to the story . . . but this one, I don't think I can. I've decided I will try, but not without irritation at having to compromise the voice.
Recently joined and have read a few of the posts. I used to be a computer programmer and changed over to writing sci-fi after becoming disabled. I have been and always will be an avid reader of sci-fi. I have written one book (rejected) and currently working on the sequel.

Anyway, just wanted to say "hey" so..."Hey!"
Good for you! And same here, Ive written my first book in a series which has been rejected by 13 agents....sigh....and yet I am working on the sequel.
Good for you! And same here, Ive written my first book in a series which has been rejected by 13 agents....sigh....and yet I am working on the sequel.

That is where I'm at. Finished first book in series and 75% done with first draft of sequel. 17 rejections...(sigh)
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Writers & Artists Short Story Writing Competition


Not good at greetings
