Fanfare! New Release, New Contract, and Best Seller Lists

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Carol Rose

Sep 13, 2014
Indiana, USA
I had a new release yesterday from Siren as Tara Rose. Abigail's Acquiescence is the first book in my Portraits of Submission series, and my readers seem to like it so far. Wasn't sure about this one since it takes place in an alternate universe, but the response is positive.

As Ravenna Tate, I have a new contract!! Marianne's Abduction is the third book in the Voyeur Moon series and will likely be out sometime in April!!

Kidnapped By A Warrior, the first book in that series, is now an Amazon top 100 bestseller in erotic sci-fi on both the US and UK sites, a bestseller on BookStrand, and a bestseller on All Romance Ebooks!!


Thanks for letting me share. :D
Bravo and congratulations. That's some achievement with Amazon too ;)
Congratulations Tara! Glad to hear you're progressing in your career, nice to know someone who's making it, SOOO happy for you
Oh don't mention dreams! Last night I was part of the Catholic Church, but I missed meeting the Pope! Really not worth writing about.... lol ;)
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