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Zoe Ki

Dec 31, 2020
Hi everyone
I am a 41 year old teacher and I have written my first novel over the past year, and it is almost complete.
I have always written, past projects have included children’s picture books, non fiction works that never quite got off the ground, a small dabble with poetry and now my first complete project, ‘the unknown’. Only a working title as I was stumped for ages!
I have two more books in their infancy, one in the same vein as the first and another on the perils and mishaps of teaching in a British secondary school.
Aside from actually writing I am looking for guidance on navigating the publishing world as I have no experience in this area.
Also looking to meet like minded people and those who will (hopefully) be interested rather than rolling their eyes every time I mention my novel. Xxxx
Hi @Zoe Ki

Welcome to the Colony and hope you have a great time here. I'm sure you'll find Litopia a very welcoming environment. We promise we won't roll our eyes every time you mention your novel, as long as you don't roll yours when we mention ours. :)

There's plenty to do and we have lots of people happy to give and receive advice on works in progress. You'll get the most from the Colony with a two-way exchange and you'll be pleasantly surprised how beneficial offering critiques on the works of others is for your own work.

Litopia is a friendly and supportive community and best thing to do is dive right in. You'll find a very helpful intro here How to guide which will point you in the right direction, and the Writing Workshops Directory WWD is a great place to road test your opening pages, chapters, blurbs & synopses etc.

If there's anything you're unsure about or need help with please drop me a message and I'll be happy to help.
Welcome aboard @Zoe Ki :) You've come to the right place. What genre is your novel?
I’m not quite sure how to describe it! I would have said women’s fiction with a psychological edge but the few people who have read it disagreed. It is about a young woman who thinks she is settled and sorted in life but then things get turned upside down.
I’m not quite sure how to describe it! I would have said women’s fiction with a psychological edge but the few people who have read it disagreed. It is about a young woman who thinks she is settled and sorted in life but then things get turned upside down.

Contemporary? General fiction? I write fantasy, so I'm not sure...
Also looking to meet like minded people and those who will (hopefully) be interested rather than rolling their eyes every time I mention my novel.
You're in the right place. You can mention your novel as much as you like. There's no eye rolling here. Ever.

Welcome to the Colony! Glad you have found us. Any questions about the site, please message me. I'm one of the Guardians and always happy to help.

Do check out the Colony Notices to familiarize yourself with how the site works – The Prime Directive is the foundation of our ethos. For literary chat and general socializing, head over to Café Life.

So get stuck in. You'll see that the more you put in, the more you get out.

Great to have you on board.
Hello, Zoe Ki, welcome – and Happy New Year! We actually like people who talk about their novels here, so you've come to the right place! Have a look around, check out the Writing Workshops when you're ready and see what goes on there. Please feel free to jump right in and critique anyone else's work and let them know what works for you – It's a great way to learn.
Hi @Zoe Ki , Hello and welcome to the Colony. Looking forward to hearing more about your writing. Do join in with the Huddles, they are an excellent way of establishing 'face to face' friendships.
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