New Film Review Area

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
We now have a new forum dedicated to movie reviews.

Personally, I never have enough time to watch everything that I ought to. So I'm hoping that this new area will alert me to what's essential viewing... and perhaps save my time and money from being wasted on the dire and banal. Your reviews don't have to be lengthy or magisterial... pithy and short is best, and where appropriate, please do give a writer’s perspective and insight into how the movie works… or doesn’t.

Creating a new thread there is slightly different to the norm:

First, go to The Movie Database and copy the link to the film in question.

Post the link into the box where indicated, and hey presto, all the relevant info will be automatically pasted into the thread, ready for you to start reviewing.
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