Fanfare! New Cover Love!!

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Pretty sure Evernight has their cover artist read the books before she does the covers, because she got the concept of this series right away. I know it's difficult to see the detail on the other covers, but she has that bridge on every one. Sometimes it's about to be overcome with a massive storm surge, and other times it's pictured with ominous clouds or lightning close to it.

The series is set in years 2124 through early 2126. A weather control program, developed by NSSL and other similar agencies around the world, and that works by harnessing the earth's electromagnetic fields, was hacked into by a group of former NSSL employees. Instead of taking it over like they wanted to do, a coding error sent the program on a rogue course of destruction, creating powerful storms that were unpredictable and devastated the earth's surface. Now, no one can get back into the program to shut it down or reprogram it.

At the start of the series, it's been six years since everyone was forced to live underground in massive cities that had already been built because of a nuclear war scare in the previous century. The twelve heroes of this series have been friends since college and they each own companies that allow them to finance the efforts to stop this program and/or find the hackers. Each hero gets a book, which is why there are 12 in the series. I'm finishing up #11 now. :)
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