News New agency seeks submissions

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The Bookseller mentions that Alice Sutherland-Hawes has left the Madeleine Milburn Agency and has launched her own agency. She's looking for YA and children's submissions.
I've never written a children's story before, but the one I put in the anthology, which can be sent out to be published elsewhere. So I looked at this agency with interest. However, what do you suppose is meant by this, which is in the submission guidelines?

'Please email a maximum of four texts as separate attachments, along with your covering letter with a little information about yourself.'

What are 'texts'? And why, if its a children's story totaling only about 2500 words, wouldn't they want the entire manuscript? Just curious, thanks.
They should have used the word 'attachments' instead of texts, that's how I interpret it. And they probably only want to read a maximum of 2,500 words so they aren't inundated :)
I've never written a children's story before, but the one I put in the anthology, which can be sent out to be published elsewhere. So I looked at this agency with interest. However, what do you suppose is meant by this, which is in the submission guidelines?

'Please email a maximum of four texts as separate attachments, along with your covering letter with a little information about yourself.'

What are 'texts'? And why, if its a children's story totaling only about 2500 words, wouldn't they want the entire manuscript? Just curious, thanks.
Hi Victoria,
I'm reading this that you can enter a maximum of four stories (texts) and they would want each story to be in its own attachment so they don't 'run into each other, perhaps.
So, for you with one story, you would upload one attachment with another document that contains your covering letter and info (unless they want the covering letter in the body of the email). Good luck.
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