Just saying hello

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Peggy Lou

Mar 14, 2016
I'm new here, and new to fiction writing as well, though I've been reading ever since I can remember. So nothing much to say about myself except that I'm an aspirant author, a struggling one - struggling with a manuscript, with query letters and cover letters - and in need to be in a place (at least virtually) where all that is normal and not a sign of certifiable lunacy. I hope this is that place.
Peggy Lou
Whether we are sane or not is clearly debatable, but you are certainly in the right place, so welcome ;)
I'm new here, and new to fiction writing as well, though I've been reading ever since I can remember. So nothing much to say about myself except that I'm an aspirant author, a struggling one - struggling with a manuscript, with query letters and cover letters - and in need to be in a place (at least virtually) where all that is normal and not a sign of certifiable lunacy. I hope this is that place.
Peggy Lou
Welcome Peggy Lou!

Points for use the of the word aspirant; I've no doubt that you will find Litopia useful, supportive, and entertaining, and that we will in turn learn a great deal from you as well!

Here — conversely but hopefully sufficient for your purposes — all that is certifiably lunacic is the norm.
Also eldritch non-Euclidean architecture, but that's another story.
Welcome! Nice dog. I'd love to have a dog.
A Vizsla by choice. Or maybe a Weimaraner. But I also like English bull terriers - it's the big Roman nose and little eyes. Ugliness is cute.
Why am I saying any of this? It's one of those days.
Welcome! Nice dog. I'd love to have a dog.
A Vizsla by choice. Or maybe a Weimaraner. But I also like English bull terriers - it's the big Roman nose and little eyes. Ugliness is cute.
Why am I saying any of this? It's one of those days.
Please get one. No fairy wishes needed.
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