Judith Rook - a new member

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J. Rook

Hello to the Litopia community. I have read Agent Pete's membership caveats and any person who mentions the ad hominem fallacy has my vote. I am a reasonably active member of one or two Facebook interest groups but they are indeed very large and from time to time the trolls appear. My interest was drawn to Litopia by the offer of a free seminar, and here I am, on the other side of the sign-up process. I am probably too late to be taken into the seminar, but that does not matter at all. Perhaps there will be other opportunities later. My interests are: (a) to complete my third science fiction novel and (b) to become more adroit in online marketing. I live in Western Australia and am a member of two local writers' groups. Thank you for admitting me as a member.
Welcome, J! We're glad to have you on here. Question for my own curiosity: What publishing route are you looking to take with your books? Self-pub or traditional? Or are you not there yet?
Love your avatar, Nicole. Publishing: A year trying agents in a desultory manner - no interest. Now trying to establish an on-line presence as an idie publisher, resulting in a little more interest, but not very much. If it were not for the intense fulfilment which my writing gives me (and my fascination with the weirdnesses of the internet community), I could become depressed.
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