JK shares a couple of rejection letters

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While I like JK Rowling, I'm pretty sure her first Robert Galbraith book was only hugely successful because it was leaked that it was her pseudonym. A lot of people bought it strictly for her, not for the book's contents. If I remember right, the second one didn't do nearly as well.
I´m a massive fan of the Harry Potter books but JK Rowlings just seems to have lost contact with reality. Everytime she´s in the news it´s about her suing someone, or her complaining about something or someone, or her leaving her agents, or her realizing that Harry should have ended up with Hermione, or her standing up for some cause, or her pruning a hedge or something to that nature. I don´t think I would buy a book just because it was written by Rowlings, unless it´s part of the Harry Potter world. And even so... some of the new stuff is not of my interest.
I've never tried the Galbraith books so I can't say. I always got the impression JKR was a nice person though - she's probably not responsible for how the media report what she may or may not have said/done...
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