It's been a while

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Hello. I love what you've done with the place!

Another old Litopian - a flurry of ancient activity which petered out, I'm afraid, mainly because I found I was spending more time on social media keeping up my profile (sigh - hateful occupation I now avoid like the proverbial plague) than actually writing the book for which I needed the profile in the first place. Cart. Horse.

Thought I'd drop by to see what was occurring and I find you've had a makeover. It looks great. Taken 10 years off you.

Looking forward to getting back involved.
Why thank you, kindly DPS! Good to have you back again.

It will get increasingly interesting around here soon, Houses et al.

Would like to hit about 100 members, then the curtain raises.
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Welcome back, I understand what you mean about the time engaged in social media, I honestly don't know how some people keep up with it all and still find time to write.
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