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@Katie-Ellen Hazeldine - I bet you know all about this one
Apart from me, who else uses Tetra-Mapping for their characters? Well for your protagonists
Fire -
A Fire person is intuitive in a creative way – fast and full of ideas – a contrast to stability, and constantly re-evaluates and reconstructs in an effort to obtain great results. A Fire person gives hope to his or her surroundings and maintains a strong combination of vitality and drive.
Water -
a Water person is characterised by a positive personal flow in all aspects. A Water person communicates well and has a well-developed emotional intuition, which helps them know when the timing is right to strike in order to reach a certain goal.
Earth -
An Earth person is a stable, persevering worker. They are realistic, economical and goal oriented. They judge their environment based on their achievements and they prefer to be judged on their own achievements as well. An Earth person can be very difficult to deal with if the parties disagree.
Air -
An Air person is innovative and outspoken – and often unknowingly opens up to other people’s inner thoughts due to their simple and straightforward approach to things. The people around them soon feel that they do not mean to pry but that they want to share knowledge and insight.
Try It - The Four Elements Test – What Are You? ⋆ LonerWolf - Its very interesting and fun, more so when you fill it in as one of your protagonist

Apart from me, who else uses Tetra-Mapping for their characters? Well for your protagonists

Fire -
A Fire person is intuitive in a creative way – fast and full of ideas – a contrast to stability, and constantly re-evaluates and reconstructs in an effort to obtain great results. A Fire person gives hope to his or her surroundings and maintains a strong combination of vitality and drive.
Water -
a Water person is characterised by a positive personal flow in all aspects. A Water person communicates well and has a well-developed emotional intuition, which helps them know when the timing is right to strike in order to reach a certain goal.
Earth -
An Earth person is a stable, persevering worker. They are realistic, economical and goal oriented. They judge their environment based on their achievements and they prefer to be judged on their own achievements as well. An Earth person can be very difficult to deal with if the parties disagree.
Air -
An Air person is innovative and outspoken – and often unknowingly opens up to other people’s inner thoughts due to their simple and straightforward approach to things. The people around them soon feel that they do not mean to pry but that they want to share knowledge and insight.
Try It - The Four Elements Test – What Are You? ⋆ LonerWolf - Its very interesting and fun, more so when you fill it in as one of your protagonist