Introduction of new member

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Tony Culver

Hi Guys
My name's Tony. I'm a multi-discipline artist-writer based in Bath (the 'shower' in the Bath). Have been working in the arts for more years than I care to remember. Various skills - actor, fringe director, performance artist, painter, potter, sculptor, illustrator, novelist playwright poet script writer and musician. NOT well known possibly due to the diversity of interests and a very short contacts list (1 person!). Anyway, am currently polishing (with translucent boot polish) a film script titled TIME'S WHIRPOOL which is an adaptation of a novel I wrote in 2015 titled TIME VORTEX. The reason I joined this site. Hope to put a pitch up. Given the difficulties of selling new scripts. Would enjoy the feedback, if any, you guys can give. It is a sci-fi-historical work. In fact, my first in the mixed genres. I did write a sci-fi-fantasy a few years back titled GIORGIO and the DRAGON ERMENTRUDE (comedy take on the legend). Didn't get it into production. But, back then was very unfocused on selling. Could have been the main reason. Just didn't put myself into the selling game. 'Must try harder'. One contribution I would like to make to the discussion forum I'll add later. I've been conducting a campaign aimed, would you believe, at DOUBLING film script production globally by 2020! If I get around to putting that on the discussion forum I would be interested in any response readers might give. I've been sending out an analytical paper on the subject to film festivals in Europe, The U.K. and US. It seems possible to me, whether it is to the film establishment is another matter. I 'think outside the box' a lot, the concept originates, I think, with that ability. I've also done it with painting, sculpture, pottery, play script production. One example - Paintings as numerically vast art collections, instead of single image works. Response? Usually negative. breaking with established cultural practices, unless one is well connected, usually fall flat. As I said, I have a contacts list of ONE (and he died recently). I'm not a 'people person'. Archetypal loner I suppose, and in the contacts/connections/networking sectors of the arts, that is counterproductive. Doesn't matter much, of course, I'm not on the 'money and possessions' bandwagon. It is pretty easy to live well in this society on a low income. I don't encourage it. It has its drawbacks. Nuff said.
Hello :) Are you SURE you are not a 'people person.' You write with such vim, just as if speaking.

Stage32 any use?
Hello :) Are you SURE you are not a 'people person.' You write with such vim, just as if speaking.

Stage32 any use?
Hi Katie.
Regrettably I am - 'quasi hermit' is possibly the best description, or 'creative obsessive'. Currently working on new script; an art project 'around the world in 80 images'; developing as a keyboard player. Which tends to make time for socialising very restricted. Get out in the evenings about twice a week. Phenomonologically hanging out with people is just one set of activity options and 'l'amour' has yet to appear on my existential activities spectrum. Well, it appeared briefly and then pissed off, pissing me off. Some people are born to love, some to hate, some to be indifferent to the whole complicated game. I was institutionalised when I was 4. The teacher-child relationship in institutions when I was a kid as very uncommitted emotionally. The whole emotional spectrum excised. It remains excised. What a sadness - I never got to divorce anyone! But I did once court the theatre/T.V. star Felicity Kendal (before she cracked the system) it didn't last!.
Nice chatting to you though. Odd form of relationship - on line ones. 'The other' just lines of writing on a computer screen with little or no likelihood of ever actually meeting. Unless 'the other' lives in the same country or even the same county. Might be said to be the ultimate detached relationship
By the way, I said in the intro that I was going to enlarge on the concept of doubling film script production before 2020 - globally. A pretty wild ambition. But, since I presume you write, beautifully of course, I would upload a paper on the subject but it seems my memory stick isn't totally compatible with this site, so I can't. So, basically, what is it?
The use of TWO sets of cameras filming all the action created by a script. Both sets filming from different positions, heights, angles, distances and the two sets of film edited separately. Shown in cinemas on an a-b-a-b-a-b basis each week. I was in a couple of movies when an actor and there was plenty of space in the locations and sets for 2 cameras and cameramen, given the 180 degree rule. It is theoretically, to my mind, possible. What the film establishment thinks of it is another, probably negative, matter. All 4 media use a CORE production concept that was introduced back in about 600 B.C. by Aeschylus and Euripedes. The SINGLE version the script action .Which, to me, seems like a very long time to milk one production concept. Possibly the one I have originated might in actuality hit the fan in the next century! New basic developments in the arts are hard to get across to people conditioned to conform to the cultural norms. Their tastes and practices determined at a very early age. The mindset of all the inhabitants of film, Theatre, TV and radio drama are structured around the ancient Greek concept. It obtains in novels too - 99% of all of them have been single versions of the material. Poets do it too. For media folk climbing the numerical ladder to the frightening (apparently) number of TWO is 'not on'. Though the world of music frequently creates different versions of the same aesthetic material - different orchestras, for example, playing Beethoven's Fifth. Same 'script', as it were, different interpretations, and all acceptable. So, why not different films of the same script? Or two versions of the same poem . Different versions of the same novel? Very time consuming. in film the costs would be low - two productions of a film script being a lot less expensive than 2 completely different films based on different scripts. No new cast, sets, locations, directors, producers, script. Or, about 75% of the costs excised and a whole new film made that is filmically different from the first. And film is, of course, about FILM and what a can be done with FILM. Two photographers taking pictures of the same person from different positions will produce two or more different photos.
Tra and good luck with all your projects.
Yo, Tony! Glad to see you here. BTW, we're all hermits from time to time, we take turns as needed when the muse calls and complains about our lack of focus...
My current WIP is sort of Time-Travel connected as well, but the initial "book" is set beginning 48BCE, so decidedly low tech. So far...
Welcome from a newbie - that is the time-travel way to greet someone who joined before me.
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