Help Please! Info needed

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The pop-up here is the name of the weekly submission and critique event. Every Sunday AgentPete--the head honcho for the community--hosts a live analysis on the first ten pages (or so) of emailed manuscripts that he receives during those prior weeks. The video is played out on the Facebook page--maybe other networks as well--where he puts his publishing agent experience to work, by giving those submitting authors and other writers, the benefit of his appraisal. It is a first-hand account of how he analyses those first pages of work, what appeals--and what doesn't, how an agent's mind thinks when going through a new manuscript, if the piece is worth continuing and what needs to be sharpened.

Alongside this, we have a separate chat-room on a discord program/app--name currently being decided--where even us, other writers give our take on the piece being looked over. Occasionally our comments and opinions are brought into the mix for a varied reaction, sometimes the submitting author can answer queries about their work and sometimes we all have a general little natter.

Happens on Sunday at 6 pm GMT I believe. A very lively affair too!
Join us tomorrow @6pm in the 'Discord' or 'Snake-Pit' Chatroom, LOL
Beware a very high chance of giggles though out and welcome to the Colony Tom :)
Where you can cater for all you're writing needs.
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