Fanfare! I must commend Nadine Dorries for her novelist's eye

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E G Logan

Full Member
Nov 11, 2018
Liguria, Italy
I must commend Nadine Dorries for her novelist's eye for detail, if not her way with words.

The Guardian – yes, I know, hardly impartial on this, but we are speaking of fact here – reports MP Dorries tweeted that Liz Truss, a candidate for the Conservative Party leadership, was “travelling the country wearing her earrings which cost circa £4.50 from Claire’s Accessories”.

That no one else covering the Truss peregrinations mentioned this remarkable fact could mean one of two things:
1. All the others missed this reach-out-and-grab-you detail. (Perhaps none of them were fashionistas. I mean, political correspondents, what do they know about reasonably-priced jewellery...?)
2. Only Nadine saw the significance of it.
I once saw Jeremy Corbyn buy Aldi chocolate spread instead of expensive branded spread, but I'll refrain from expressing my opinion, cos we're in the front room.
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