How to seduce a writer: wise words from Neil Gaiman

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Nikky Lee

Nikky Lee
Full Member
Jul 27, 2018
New Zealand
Saw this and had to share:


Since the text is so small, I've written it out here:

Birdartpoetry: "Mister Gaiman, you're kickass. I was just wondering, what do you think is the best way to seduce a writer? I figured your answer would be pretty spectacular."

Gaiman: "In my experience, writers tend to be really good at the insight of their own heads and imaginary people, and a lot less good at the stuff going on outside, which means that quite often if you flirt with us we will completely fail to notice, leaving everybody involved slightly uncomfortable and more than slightly unlaid.

So I would suggest that any attempted seduction of a writer would probably go a great deal easier for all parties if you sent them a cheerful note saying "YOU ARE INVITED TO A SEDUCTION: Please come to dinner on Friday Night. Wear the kind of clothes you would like to be seduced in."

And alcohol may help, too. Or kissing. Many writers figure out that they're being seduced or flirted with if someone is actually kissing them."
If I so much look at a girl my wife gives me a dig in the ribs. Talk to one and it gets worse. We don't go out so much now as it's too painful. :(
That can be a difficult one. How much reassurance is enough? Mine can chat with whomever he likes, and goes out without me sometimes. There are a couple of ladies on their own who rather like him, who don't know me, and little guess that I have spotted them. Maybe, who knows, it could happen. I'll fall off my perch early with this RA's affected my heart, and they'll nab the toy-boy (65). And should that happen, I'd say good luck to them. I respect and trust his intelligence. Therefore I trust him to count his many blessings, as I do mine. Has she banned the telly? I have known of wives who did this but the world is full of pretty girls. Where's the harm in a little gentle flirtation, or day-dreaming, even supposing that is what someone is doing. Everyone daydreams a little from time to time, doesn't mean they're going to, or even want to do a thing about it. Happy people want to keep what they've got, and the human eye and mind and soul is hardwired for gazing at beauty in all its countless forms (she said, admiring the cat)
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@Katie-Ellen Hazeldine Hey, it was meant to be funny. Having said that here in Thailand they do look at things differently. Almost no one is faithful to their partners and cheating is a national pastime so it doesn't take a lot to arouse suspicion. We are oddities in a sea of promiscuity. We are both incurable romantics and live together 24/7 23 years and more to come. :)
I am sorry to hear you have RA Both my grandparents on my mother's side suffered with it so I feel for you.
"Cheating is a national pastime". Haha...oh dear. I've been hearing about this same thing recently, with my work hat on. British husband in Thailand. Glad you're not really confined to barracks. He was, pretty much.

The RA. Everyone's dealing with summat.. No one in my family has it, or anything like it. Long may that continue. Actually it's not really RA. Different genetic group but it's easier to describe it that way. It started when I was a student, about a year after being stung by wasps.

Seducing you really want to do it, I'd say. Living with Dylan Thomas, anyone? Byron? Woolf? Dickens? Plath? Emily Dickinson? Hemingway?

10 Ways To Seduce A Writer - Writers Write
Seducing you really want to do it, I'd say. Living with Dylan Thomas, anyone? Byron? Woolf? Dickens? Plath? Emily Dickinson? Hemingway?

10 Ways To Seduce A Writer - Writers Write

Number 9 in that list - that's the one they all have a problem with. Takes a lot of understanding, that yes I do need to be at my desk at 1am because I just really need to finish this bit. I know I said that four hours ago, but my characters won't stop doing things and no I don't control them they have minds of their own! (End of relationship).
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