How To Be A Writer That Literary Agents Want

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I love this! This just stresses something I have been telling my writer friends for a while: writing is a BUSINESS. Agents want someone who is professional and can take feedback and rejection positively. Don't try to be smart or gimmicky. Deal with them the same way you would an important business deal (because that's what it is). Thanks for posting this :)
I love this! This just stresses something I have been telling my writer friends for a while: writing is a BUSINESS. Agents want someone who is professional and can take feedback and rejection positively. Don't try to be smart or gimmicky. Deal with them the same way you would an important business deal (because that's what it is). Thanks for posting this :)
AMEN!!! :D
I love this! This just stresses something I have been telling my writer friends for a while: writing is a BUSINESS. Agents want someone who is professional and can take feedback and rejection positively. Don't try to be smart or gimmicky. Deal with them the same way you would an important business deal (because that's what it is). Thanks for posting this :)

That's is interesting. I've been presenting a book series as a brand. Not sure if it will work but hoping that it does of course. ;)
That's is interesting. I've been presenting a book series as a brand. Not sure if it will work but hoping that it does of course. ;)

Yep. This. The writer is a brand. The books are a brand. The characters are a brand. Survival depends on brand recognition. Everything we're making is a product. Fly, my pretties! Fly! Sell, sell sell!
When it comes to being a brand, especially in the film world, they do say that you've made it when your character gets turned into a doll. Now, with writers how many of us are well-known enough to become a plaything for children, or to be sat on a shelf next to our books?
Oh, of course...

It's Barbie JK Rowling !
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