How to be A Writer in the E-Age

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Paul Whybrow

Full Member
Jun 20, 2015
Cornwall, UK
After reading several well-respected advice books on the writing process by Stephen King and Lawrence Block recently, I looked around for something more modern. Their wisdom is palpable, but things have moved on a lot since with the 1980s with technology.

I saw several favourable reviews of How to be Writer in the E-Age, by Catherine Ryan Hyde and Anne R Allen, so bought the Kindle version for a mere £2.82. They are both very experienced authors, who've encountered the sort of problems that beset us Colonists. The interplay between them is amusing, as they write alternate chapters, feeding off what the other has just said and bouncing ideas around.

They really know their stuff, offering up-to-date advice that I found valuable. I wish that I'd discovered this book a year ago, as the way that they cut through the bullshit to give practical tips on things like the social media is very helpful.

Definitely worth a look : in e-age&qid=1437475429&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1

Here's the link on the other side of the pond:

I gather that to be a writer in the e-age, you first have to be a bespectacled blonde with windblown hair? What am I supposed to do? Damn you, e-age!

I wondered about changing my look too. The model on the cover looks nothing like either of the two authors. Thanks for the Amazon America link, Jason. The book is well worth a few dollars or pounds of one's money.
Haha, good ol' Shooter.

Although, I have to admit this is an accurate depiction. The bathrobe and bed hair are particularly good touches:
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Please note the coffee stains on the manuscript. Tell me you haven't.
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