Hiya everyone!

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Full Member
Feb 16, 2021
Just found Litopia after seeing a link to pop-up submissions a couple of hours ago, and I'm watching them on Youtube. Hooked! I'm writing (almost finished) a sci-fi historical novel, about a time-cop stranded in the past, where she must navigate XIX century Paris, in the company of Romantic artists & enemies, all while uprooting her family tree. (my blurb is a work in process haha).
Hi Annie,

Oooh, your novel sounds intriguing. And yes, I know what you mean about the burbs .... SIGH. But you're in the right place. Huddles are a great way to help you develop them.

Anyway, before I start rambling on:

Welcome to the Colony! Any questions about the site, please message me. I'm one of the Guardians and always happy to help.

Do check out the Colony Notices to familiarize yourself with how the site works – The Prime Directive is the foundation of our ethos. For literary chat and general socializing, Café Life is THE place to be. We also have a Flash Club to stretch your writing muscles, and a poetry area, plus much more.

So get stuck in. You'll see that the more you put in, the more you get out. You'll learn a lot here.

Great to have you on board.
A warm welcome to the Colony and hope you enjoy it here @AnnieSummerlee.

In the coming days you'll receive daily messages telling more about the Colony and its many forums, but for now just browse around and feel free to get involved.

Litopia is a friendly and supportive community and we have lots of people happy to give and receive advice on works in progress. You'll get the most from the Colony with a two-way exchange and you'll be pleasantly surprised at how beneficial offering critiques on the works of others is for your own work.

If there's anything you're unsure about please drop me a message and I'll be happy to help.

Great to have you here.
Hi Annie,

Oooh, your novel sounds intriguing. And yes, I know what you mean about the burbs .... SIGH. But you're in the right place. Huddles are a great way to help you develop them.

Anyway, before I start rambling on:

Welcome to the Colony! Any questions about the site, please message me. I'm one of the Guardians and always happy to help.

Do check out the Colony Notices to familiarize yourself with how the site works – The Prime Directive is the foundation of our ethos. For literary chat and general socializing, Café Life is THE place to be. We also have a Flash Club to stretch your writing muscles, and a poetry area, plus much more.

So get stuck in. You'll see that the more you put in, the more you get out. You'll learn a lot here.

Great to have you on board.
I was just checking out the huddles, now extremely tempted to upgrade to a full membership! My old writing workshop has vanished due to the pandemic, so I might as well join a new one. Either way, I'm loving all the resources here so far.
A warm welcome to the Colony and hope you enjoy it here @AnnieSummerlee.

In the coming days you'll receive daily messages telling more about the Colony and its many forums, but for now just browse around and feel free to get involved.

Litopia is a friendly and supportive community and we have lots of people happy to give and receive advice on works in progress. You'll get the most from the Colony with a two-way exchange and you'll be pleasantly surprised at how beneficial offering critiques on the works of others is for your own work.

If there's anything you're unsure about please drop me a message and I'll be happy to help.

Great to have you here.
Thank you so much Jonny! I'll check my inbox for those messages the next few days :D
I was just checking out the huddles, now extremely tempted to upgrade to a full membership! My old writing workshop has vanished due to the pandemic, so I might as well join a new one. Either way, I'm loving all the resources here so far.
It'd be nice to see you there. They're quite addictive, and you'll learn tons even from just listening in. And if you bring work, you get live feedback from the participants, as well as directly from Pete. It's all VERY informal, fun and productive. It's been interesting to see people's work evolve over the weeks.
Just found Litopia after seeing a link to pop-up submissions a couple of hours ago, and I'm watching them on Youtube. Hooked! I'm writing (almost finished) a sci-fi historical novel, about a time-cop stranded in the past, where she must navigate XIX century Paris, in the company of Romantic artists & enemies, all while uprooting her family tree. (my blurb is a work in process haha).
Actually, my current project is espionage fiction. I'm done with it, or rather the creative part. It's just editing and proofreading and polishing now.

Already thinking about my next project and that is scifi, really hard scifi.
Hi Annie. The Huddles are a unique event on the net where a bunch of writers can get together and chew the fat. Plus we have our very own agent to guide us :)
Hi @AnnieSummerlee

As @Barbara, @Jonny and @Steve C said, Huddles are amazing, and the added benefit is writers are international, not just local. You get such a diverse perspective :) You're novel sounds intriguing, just be aware, a very niche audience will like sci fi and historical. That said, write what you love, that's the only way we find new audiences :)

Enjoy Pop Ups, it's awesome :)
Just found Litopia after seeing a link to pop-up submissions a couple of hours ago, and I'm watching them on Youtube. Hooked! I'm writing (almost finished) a sci-fi historical novel, about a time-cop stranded in the past, where she must navigate XIX century Paris, in the company of Romantic artists & enemies, all while uprooting her family tree. (my blurb is a work in process haha).
Hello, welcome to Litopia @AnnieSummerlee, be nice to meet in one of our Huddles.
Welcome to the colony, Annie!

Litopia is a friendly place, please just dive in :)

Also, do join us for Pop-Up Submissions live on Sundays, if you can — it would be good to have your thoughts on the submissions! Subscribe to the Litopia Youtube Channel and you won't miss it.

Look forward to seeing you around!
Thanks Kate! I found the colony through pop-up submissions, I've been binge watching them ever since. And I subscribed, can't believe the channel only has 1k subscribers!
Hello and welcome @AnnieSummerlee! Delighted you found us via Pop-Ups. Your sci-fi/history novel sounds interesting. Whatever you write, I'm sure you'll find lots of like-minded people here on Litopia.

Once you really get to know the place you can check out the Workshops too. Remember, don't be shy about offering your own critiques of others' work. Your opinions as a reader are as valid and important as anyone else's – as many members will testify, we learn a lot from critiquing others' work, too. And you can always submit the first 700 words of your own work to Pop-Ups too. I look forward to seeing you around the Colony! :)
Hello and welcome @AnnieSummerlee! Delighted you found us via Pop-Ups. Your sci-fi/history novel sounds interesting. Whatever you write, I'm sure you'll find lots of like-minded people here on Litopia.

Once you really get to know the place you can check out the Workshops too. Remember, don't be shy about offering your own critiques of others' work. Your opinions as a reader are as valid and important as anyone else's – as many members will testify, we learn a lot from critiquing others' work, too. And you can always submit the first 700 words of your own work to Pop-Ups too. I look forward to seeing you around the Colony! :)
Hi Ancora! I've dipped my toes into the workshops, and loved what I've read so far! Once I'm happy with my first chapter, I'll definitely submit it to pop-ups!
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