Hi sorry for absence, what have I missed?

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Hiya! Sorry I havent been online for ages. I've not had internet in my new flat since I moved into it until recently. Before that i cancelled my BT in April. Just now i'm trying to get back into the writing groove.
What's the down lo?
:) Not expecting many replies, just really wanted y'all to know that I'm back.
My close friend suggested that I submit my manuscript to a place called: http://www.emergents.co.uk/writing/work-in-progress-critical-assessment/
Can any of you tell me if that would be a good idea?
Thanks. Sorry again for being absent. Take care.
Very limited as to who can use the service > "The project is open to writers living in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland writing in English." Even if I was still in Scotland, I couldn't use the service. o_O
Hi and welcome back, it's only natural that 'real' life gets in the way sometimes. It has a habit of sneaking up on you when it's most inconvenient :P I doubt anyone will hold it against you my dear :)
Welcome back buddy :) Did you ever get that college stuff sorted out?
Welcome back buddy :) Did you ever get that college stuff sorted out?
Yeh :) I'm studying evening classes in jewellery design at Ayr college. I was supposed to take photographs of birds today but they've all flown away. I hope there's a bird sanctuary somewhere close by. If you look at my Pinterest my theme is birds! haha
Yeh :) I'm studying evening classes in jewellery design at Ayr college. I was supposed to take photographs of birds today but they've all flown away. I hope there's a bird sanctuary somewhere close by. If you look at my Pinterest my theme is birds! haha
Lol you need to come meet "Mr Turkey" our resident pheasant. Just to warn you though, he may try to collect you lol! He'll be chasing you all the way home haha. Mental case so he is.
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