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Anne Lester

Dec 17, 2020
Norfolk, UK
Hello to you all. I'm a newcomer here on Litopia - and am also a newbie at writing fiction. I've been keeping my mind busy over the past few months, doing various online courses, including "Write Your First Novel" on coursera - my first attempt at writing fiction. I've completed my first novel, and have just begun the sequel. Both are based on a mixture of fact and imagination about the lives of my Scottish ancestors in the early 17th century. As a non-historian I'm doing lots of research too!
We came back to the UK a year ago after five interesting years in France, and are now based in Norfolk, UK. When I'm not writing I cook and weave and go for walks with our black spaniel, Shadow. It's great to find this site, and I look forward to getting to know it and you all better. Writing fiction is scary and exciting and addictive! Best regards, and happy solstice! Maggie Richmond (aka Anne Lester)
Writing is certainly scary and addictive. Norfolk walks? Nice!

Welcome to the Colony! Glad you have found us. Any questions about the site, please message me. I'm one of the Guardians and always happy to help.

Do check out the Colony Notices to familiarize yourself with how the site works – The Prime Directive is the foundation of our ethos. If you're looking for critique partners, have a look at our Writing Workshops. The first three threads in that forum will tell you what you need to know. The best way to find feedback partners is to critique other member's work first (but do familiarize yourself with our method for giving and receiving critique before you post your first review). For literary chat and general socializing, head over to Café Life.

So get stuck in. You'll see that the more you put in, the more you get out.

Great to have you on board.
Writing is certainly scary and addictive. Norfolk walks? Nice!

Welcome to the Colony! Glad you have found us. Any questions about the site, please message me. I'm one of the Guardians and always happy to help.

Do check out the Colony Notices to familiarize yourself with how the site works – The Prime Directive is the foundation of our ethos. If you're looking for critique partners, have a look at our Writing Workshops. The first three threads in that forum will tell you what you need to know. The best way to find feedback partners is to critique other member's work first (but do familiarize yourself with our method for giving and receiving critique before you post your first review). For literary chat and general socializing, head over to Café Life.

So get stuck in. You'll see that the more you put in, the more you get out.

Great to have you on board.
Thanks for your welcome, and for your helpful tips on using the site, Barbara, much appreciated. Now I need to make the time to familiarise myself with the Colony!
Hi @Anne Lester ,

A very warm welcome to the Colony and hope you have a great time here. There's plenty to do and we have lots of people happy to give and receive advice on works in progress. You'll get the most from the Colony with a two-way exchange and you'll be pleasantly surprised how beneficial offering critiques is for your own work also.

Litopia is a friendly and supportive community and best thing to do is dive right in. You'll find a very helpful intro here How to guide which will point you in the right direction, and the Writing Workshops Directory WWD is a great place to road test your opening pages, chapters, blurbs & synopses etc.

If there's anything you're unsure about or need help with please drop me a message and I'll be happy to help.
Hi @Anne Lester ,

A very warm welcome to the Colony and hope you have a great time here. There's plenty to do and we have lots of people happy to give and receive advice on works in progress. You'll get the most from the Colony with a two-way exchange and you'll be pleasantly surprised how beneficial offering critiques is for your own work also.

Litopia is a friendly and supportive community and best thing to do is dive right in. You'll find a very helpful intro here How to guide which will point you in the right direction, and the Writing Workshops Directory WWD is a great place to road test your opening pages, chapters, blurbs & synopses etc.

If there's anything you're unsure about or need help with please drop me a message and I'll be happy to help.
Many thanks, Jonny. I've just taken my courage in my hands and posted the first chapter of my first novel in the WWD, asking for critiques. Fingers crossed! All the best to you.
That’s the way, Anne. Get involved and you’ll get so much out of Litopia.

Great to see you already making yourself at home.

It will be a little quieter than normal for the next few weeks because of the Xmas break, but be sure to look out for Pop-up Submission - Litopia’s live manuscript review program broadcast every Sunday on YouTube and Facebook.

Soon to be starting in a new twice weekly format.

Here's a link to an already broadcast show. Pop-Up Submissions LIVE, Sunday 13th December
That’s the way, Anne. Get involved and you’ll get so much out of Litopia.

Great to see you already making yourself at home.

It will be a little quieter than normal for the next few weeks because of the Xmas break, but be sure to look out for Pop-up Submission - Litopia’s live manuscript review program broadcast every Sunday on YouTube and Facebook.

Soon to be starting in a new twice weekly format.

Here's a link to an already broadcast show. Pop-Up Submissions LIVE, Sunday 13th December
Thanks, Jonny, for your encouragement, and for the heads up about the Sunday broadcasts. I'll try to have a look soon. All the best.
Hi Maggie/Anne and welcome! I agree with Jonny, it's definitely quieter at the moment, but it's great you're making yourself at home. It's a very friendly place. And I agree with everyone – that's a great dog's name!

Have fun.
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