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How nice to receive messages. Thanks for your welcome.
A bit about myself. I'm English living in Ireland after spending 6 years in Thailand. Bit of a mouthful.
I write short stories and poetry which have been published and read on the radio. Many years ago I wrote plays which were performed in Liverpool, also screenplays and radio plays.
Although I still write flash, short stories and poetry my main focus is on novels. My first two live on a personal slush pile; a third is out seeking an agent, and a fourth is in progress. I also wrote and self-published a novella. The last three are set in Thailand.
Phew! Bragging a bit here. I was the runner-up in the Delvin Short story contest this year, an Irish competition local to where I live, and I have a short story longlisted in the Cranked Anvil contest with results coming out on 11 September. I have fingers, toes and anything else I can cross, crossed.
I'm looking forward to meeting everyone, chatting and talking writing.
Hi Eve.
I've rabbited on a little about myself. What about your interests?
Thank you for posting about your writing- Interesting. Good look with your contests.

I've written loads of poetry in my life-time, even plays as I did Drama at teaching training college. I've written three ms on a religious vocation and a mysterious death, based on real life.

Now I am concentrating on a fictionalized memoir battling with the Devil- that too, being a memoir, is based on real life.

Look forward to integrating with you.
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