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Jan 18, 2018
Hi, I'm Rob. Just finished my MA in Creative Writing at the Manchester Writing School and currently sending first manuscript out to agents. I had a few flash fiction pieces published last year which was quite exciting, two of them for charity too so helping a good cause!

Also a fledgling artist in my spare time...

You could call it urban fantasy, Rob. That's still 'in.'

I write assorted non-fiction here and there, copy-writing, content writing; some Tarot/cartomancy related.
And fiction; verse, short and full length. Bits and bobs published but no full length published as yet. Contemporary ghost story. Grieving policeman is an awakening psychic medium.
You could call it urban fantasy, Rob. That's still 'in.'

I write assorted non-fiction here and there, copy-writing, content writing; some Tarot/cartomancy related.
And fiction; verse, short and full length. Bits and bobs published but no full length published as yet. Contemporary ghost story. Grieving policeman is an awakening psychic medium.

True - although I read that urban fantasy was a sub-category of YA and I'm not sure mine's a bit too adult for that audience. Then again, what do I know, I'll see if an agent agrees! I did a mini-project with the Tarot not long ago - love them and find them fascinating
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