Hello! Romance Writer Here.

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Jan 28, 2022
Miami, Florida
Hello! I am a romance writer looking for fellow writers to chat with, spend some time learning something new, and gaining critique partners. I am currently querying my first romance novel and am not having a lot of luck but I keep hoping something good comes of this experience, although gaining a literary agent would make my day. I also finished writing the first draft of my second romance novel and have put it aside for a short while before going over it again.
Hello and welcome.
It’s nice to have you here.

When I joined, I thought my first novel was ready to be sent out. I’d had a nice rejection saying they loved my writing, but didn’t feel excited enough about the story.

After I’d been here a little while I realised there were definite improvements I could make. Since I’ve been here, I’ve re-written it several times, based on feedback I’ve got from beta-readers, and I KNOW it’s better now.

I’m also getting lots of help with my blurb, and will soon be hitting them up for help to make my query letter completely awesome.

Was a case of, not having done this before, there was lots of stuff I didn’t realise I didn’t know, lol.

I’m sure you’re starting off with a far more competent work than I did. Even so, this is a great place to polish it to perfection. Everyone will be glad to help, and grateful for a fresh pair of eyes on our work too.
Welcome aboard xxx
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