Hello, people of the Colony. My name is Brittany, and I'm an author. I'm addicted to words and have been for years. Words in puzzles, words on signs, words in books, and words in my mind. Poetry, however, isn't one of my vices 
Anyway, I'm new to Litopia. I've perused the forums, and it seems like you're a friendly and helpful bunch.
I recently finished my first novel, and I'm in the dreaded querying stage--after soliciting feedback from beta readers, doing rewrites, sitting on it, editing again, editing some more, and doing some more editing
I've read several posts on formatting, including one on here, but I'm still confused about pasting sample pages into the body of an email. I certainly know to first read the submission guidelines and follow them, but as you all likely know, some guidelines are vague. I understand that paragraphs should be double-spaced but not indented, but should the whole text be double-spaced as it would be in a printed manuscript being sent snail-mail, or should it be single-spaced, as it is in this very post I'm typing?
I am appreciative of any tips. Thank you.

Anyway, I'm new to Litopia. I've perused the forums, and it seems like you're a friendly and helpful bunch.
I recently finished my first novel, and I'm in the dreaded querying stage--after soliciting feedback from beta readers, doing rewrites, sitting on it, editing again, editing some more, and doing some more editing

I am appreciative of any tips. Thank you.