I'm actually quite introverted so, no idea how much I'll type here but, let's answer some questions because why not 
Where you’re located in the world; England since birth
Your reading tastes (likes / dislikes / passions / bugaboos); I like to read Fantasy and YA. I love magic and the supernatural. Not a fan of sad stories, especially those that are based on true life events; I just get sad reading them
What areas of writing interest you; Not sure how else to answer this other than "To tell a story". I can be quite imaginative and I love creating worlds, characters, and stories in my head and writing them down. Watching them form is just exciting for me!
Life to date: surprises, successes, lessons learnt; Well, I'm sure we can all agree 2020 was a surprise but, me finding my best friend that year was amazing!
She has DID so, I actually gained 16 best friends at once! They're all amazing! <3 Successes, well I suppose me completing 3 out of 8 books in a series I'm writing is a success. Currently in the query trenches but, I won't give up! Lessons learnt? That there's always something to learn. Researching can be fun!
I want to start singing lessons again and actually be good at playing the piano, haha. I should learn Japanese again... I'm getting off-topic.
Food & drink! A surprisingly important topic for writers – what are your tastes? Random. Umm, I drink a lot of Cherry Pepsi (Chepsi) and accidentally gave myself a caffeine addiction which has since been stopped... almost. =P
More info. I'm female, 31 and Autistic.

Where you’re located in the world; England since birth

Your reading tastes (likes / dislikes / passions / bugaboos); I like to read Fantasy and YA. I love magic and the supernatural. Not a fan of sad stories, especially those that are based on true life events; I just get sad reading them

What areas of writing interest you; Not sure how else to answer this other than "To tell a story". I can be quite imaginative and I love creating worlds, characters, and stories in my head and writing them down. Watching them form is just exciting for me!
Life to date: surprises, successes, lessons learnt; Well, I'm sure we can all agree 2020 was a surprise but, me finding my best friend that year was amazing!

Food & drink! A surprisingly important topic for writers – what are your tastes? Random. Umm, I drink a lot of Cherry Pepsi (Chepsi) and accidentally gave myself a caffeine addiction which has since been stopped... almost. =P
More info. I'm female, 31 and Autistic.