Hello from Down Under

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RK Wallis

Full Member
Feb 15, 2019
Hey all,

My name is Rachel and the golden beaches of Sydney are my home (pity I hate the beach!). You're already superstars in my eyes, as I've been watching Pop up Submissions for a couple of months, having only just discovered it.

At 41, I had a stroke and now I'm permanently disabled, but my mind is as its always been. Although I ran my own law practice before my stroke, I wrote 2 novels (the drawer-kind) and now I can't do law? I'm relieved, and excited to do what I've always loved. Really, the stroke was a blessing (although, I didn't think that once during my 16 month hospital stay!).

I now type with one hand, and that's a daily challenge :) So, this writing business must be love!

In fact, in my naive days living in London, I remember submitting my first novel to agents, oh dear!

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Hey Rachel, nice to see you! A bunch of us Aussies all arriving at once. Seems to be the kind of thing we do.

Now just need to make sure we don't spend all of our time here and not a) on other forums we might happen to know about, and b) working on our WIP. :-)
Welcome to the Colony, Rachel. Wow. What a journey. There's clearly no stopping you. I so admire your fighting spirit. Look forward to seeing your work.
Thanks, Barbara :) It's funny how the human spirit copes. I mention that, just as a note of where I've been, I don't let it define me. I have moved on and into the writing part of my life. I'm looking forward to learning all I can and seeing everyone else's work :)
Rachel, welcome! Really nice to have so many Aussies here.

I was doing a book tour of Oz some years ago (loved it, btw). A reporter asked me – what’s different about the Australian version of your book?

I thought a bit, then replied, quite seriously, “Well, this version has been translated into Ocker.” She wrote it down without blinking. Never found out if it made it into print…
Thanks gals :)

Barbara, YA fantasy though I wonder if some of my language and subtext makes it more adult. Hopefully not!
Hello Rachel, lovely to have you here. Huge changes you are weathering. I relate. Once there was no wheelchair, and one went out to work, and then....
I am sorry. This is one tough situation you are dealing with. But new and good things CAN come out of bad things. What are your novels in a drawer?
Do you write legal thrillers ?
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Exactly! Not tried legal thrillers yet, I practiced in property, so still searching for the excitement in that, lol. I'm more of a romance gal, so romance before, but decided I prefer romantic subplots. What about you?
Exactly! Not tried legal thrillers yet, I practiced in property, so still searching for the excitement in that, lol. I'm more of a romance gal, so romance before, but decided I prefer romantic subplots. What about you?

Property. Oooh, so many exciting possibilities. Romantic or nasty haunted houses. Why couldn't one be haunted in a good way for a change? A house that heals all hurts. No one has written that house. Psychological thriller or kitchen sink drama. Crime! Sci fi? It is a spaceship disguised as a house. A portal to another dimension. Sometimes it is there, sometimes it isn't. Not far from where I live is a famously haunted house, Chingle Hall. Legal issue in the news. Property was sold but the new owner did not see the ghosts. Where were the ghosts? Ghosts were PROMISED.

Me. Various. A contemporary ghost story...policeman is a psychic medium. Not a detective. A constable on a personal grail quest.
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