Hail fellows, well virtually met. I've been lurking around this site for a while, reading posts with interest, and decided it was about time I participated. Actually, I need some advice...
A couple of years ago, I was a finalist in a major literary agency/morning television show competition to find "the next bestseller". Three day trip to London, on telly twice, a snog from A Major TV Presenter (you'll see why I'm being a little cryptic in a sec) - I didn't win outright (boo), but I did get a lovely email from an agent at said company saying she loved my novel-in-progress and wanted to work with me (hurrah!).
Which she has. Emails, feedback/edits, an hour long phone interview (in which she requested exclusivity and I agreed), but (fair enough) no firm offer of rep 'til it was completed. I finally finished the bloody thing and submitted it to her on Nov 1st last year. Got a great, funny email within a few hours saying she was so pleased and excited to receive it and that she'd read it that week.
And since then...nothing. Zip. A few "likes" on twitter, but no reply to my nudge last week...nowt. So it's been almost four months and I'm stuck here flapping like a pigeon in a burning chimney. Do I give up, withdraw the exclusive in writing and submit elsewhere? Or keep waiting (im)patiently, in the hope that she's just really busy and needs time to prepare a report before making a final decision?
Help! Surely some of you lovely people must have suffered this awful waiting dilemma? I'm trying to keep busy with the next novel, but patience is one of the many virtues I lack
Nice to meet you all!
A couple of years ago, I was a finalist in a major literary agency/morning television show competition to find "the next bestseller". Three day trip to London, on telly twice, a snog from A Major TV Presenter (you'll see why I'm being a little cryptic in a sec) - I didn't win outright (boo), but I did get a lovely email from an agent at said company saying she loved my novel-in-progress and wanted to work with me (hurrah!).
Which she has. Emails, feedback/edits, an hour long phone interview (in which she requested exclusivity and I agreed), but (fair enough) no firm offer of rep 'til it was completed. I finally finished the bloody thing and submitted it to her on Nov 1st last year. Got a great, funny email within a few hours saying she was so pleased and excited to receive it and that she'd read it that week.
And since then...nothing. Zip. A few "likes" on twitter, but no reply to my nudge last week...nowt. So it's been almost four months and I'm stuck here flapping like a pigeon in a burning chimney. Do I give up, withdraw the exclusive in writing and submit elsewhere? Or keep waiting (im)patiently, in the hope that she's just really busy and needs time to prepare a report before making a final decision?
Help! Surely some of you lovely people must have suffered this awful waiting dilemma? I'm trying to keep busy with the next novel, but patience is one of the many virtues I lack

Nice to meet you all!