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Mar 5, 2018
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
I am new here so not sure about the mode of interaction here. I mostly try my hand at non-fiction and historical or real event based fiction. Big fan of aphorisms and terse writing. I would definitely like to know if this place caters to such kind of writing.

Here is a non-fiction sample I wrote recently after a long time : The Magic Of Comfort Zone

Let me know how it reads.

Thank You.
Welcome to the Colony!

This place caters to all sorts of writers, and so to all sorts of writing. If you are polite, thoughtful and willing to learn and help others learn about the craft (and occasionally just enjoy socializing) I think you'll like it here. :)
Welcome - I read your piece, and I think you will gain a lot from this forum. In my view there is a thin dividing line between terse writing and poor writing, and I think most of us would not agree with your conclusion as far as writing is concerned! Learning to write powerful, memorable prose is hard work, and like any art form, you need to thoroughly understand the rules before you can break them. As I understand it, terse writing is closer to poetry in that it should compress meaning. Nobody here will try to put you down - any criticism is meant to help.
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