Hello Everyone

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Mar 28, 2016
Bradenton, FL
Greetings everyone,

I happened across Litopia in my search for a serious writing group/community.

I haven't authored many works, but I hope to change that in the near future. I mainly write short stories but I've begun writing my first novel. My preferred genre is science fiction though I do like to experiment with other genres.

I hope to be able to make some useful contribution to this community but in the meantime, please be patient with me. I have a lot to learn.
Greetings everyone,

I happened across Litopia in my search for a serious writing group/community.

I haven't authored many works, but I hope to change that in the near future. I mainly write short stories but I've begun writing my first novel. My preferred genre is science fiction though I do like to experiment with other genres.

I hope to be able to make some useful contribution to this community but in the meantime, please be patient with me. I have a lot to learn.
I have joined recently, and I found the whole thing rather quirky and off-putting at first, but when I started getting well thought out reviews of my sample chapters and some real help with things which were not working, I became a devotee. The thing I still find strange is that there is so little work here offered for review.
Another science fiction writer? Welcome to the colony! I particularly value the respect which every member displays to everyone else, but you have to be prepared for truly weird posts from time to time.
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