Hello everyone, brilliant to be here!

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Dec 28, 2020
Hello everyone, brilliant to be here! I’m rather nervous & not sure what to expect but excited and looking forward to meeting you all.

So here’s a little info about myself…. I’m English/Irish & grew up in Lancashire, England, although I’ve spent the majority of my adult life living here in France (South coast, literally walking distance from the Italian border). My two daughters have both flown the nest, which has left me, my hubby and our two aged cats enjoying a rather more peaceful existence. Very happily unemployed, I’m now busy getting down to something I feel passionate about: writing fiction. I’ve just finished the first draft of a historical novel which I’m about to start revising & editing….
Hi ShirlM, congrats to finishing the first draft. That's exciting.

Welcome to the Colony! Glad you have found us. Any questions about the site, please message me. I'm one of the Guardians and always happy to help.

Do check out the Colony Notices to familiarize yourself with how the site works – The Prime Directive is the foundation of our ethos. For literary chat and general socializing, head over to Café Life.

So get stuck in. You'll see that the more you put in, the more you get out.

Great to have you on board.
Welcome to the Colony @ShirlM and hope you enjoy it here. I'm sure you'll find Litopia a very welcoming environment.

There's plenty to do and we have lots of people happy to give and receive advice on works in progress. You'll get the most from the Colony with a two-way exchange and you'll be pleasantly surprised how beneficial offering critiques on the works of others is for your own work.

Litopia is a friendly and supportive community and best thing to do is dive right in. You'll find a very helpful intro here How to guide which will point you in the right direction, and the Writing Workshops Directory WWD is a great place to road test your opening pages, chapters, blurbs & synopses etc.

If there's anything you're unsure about or need help with please drop me a message and I'll be happy to help.
Hi Shirley – I'm a bit late, but welcome! I hope you're settling in happily. Lots of our members like (or write) historical fiction. Well done on finishing your first draft.
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