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Clara H

Jun 4, 2019
Kent, United Kingdom
I'm new, just thought I'd say 'hi'.... stumbled across Litopia and thought this looked like a friendly place to explore the writing world that's out there. I'm a teacher from the UK, though striving to be a teacher/writer so I can combine both my interests (with limited success on the writing front so far :)), so, yes, greetings!
Hello Clara, I'd be interested to know something about your writing. :)
Hi Eva,
Nice to meet you! The book I'm trying to get representation for at the moment is speculative fiction centred around a teenage boy who gets sent to 'The Exit Room' after misbehaving in class and reemerges back into a parallel world where all the teachers have disappeared. It's pretty much a sly comment on the state of education in the UK ;) I've submitted it to pop-up submissions which is how I stumbled across Litopia.
I also wrote a novel a few years ago which I self-published and now sort of wish I hadn't because I've realised in hindsight it could've done with more work. I had a lot of difficulty defining its genre at the time until one reviewer pointed it out it was clearly a fictionalised memoir!! It's based around the world of Teaching English as a Foreign Language which is what I used to do before re-training into mainstream English Lit.
Aside from that, I have an ongoing project with an illustrator friend of mine which is a children's book called "The Adventures of Phoenix the Magnificent". It's about a small, tubby pony who thinks he's much larger than he is.
So, yes, a bit of everything really. I'm always trying to push myself to write new things!
How about you?
We have a lot in common Clara. The novel I'm querying deals with the English Education system in the 60s which is a fictionalized memoir, and it was reviewed on Pop Up Subs in April. Here's the link if you care to have a look, it's the second one... You'll find these pop ups are a lot of fun.
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