Hello, All

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Oct 1, 2014
A very random intro...

I was 'Hope' over at the old Litopia. I hope the new colony can return to what it once was and more. I chose 'Diamond' this time around because it's my birthstone and you have to be strong like a diamond to persevere in the writing business. My reading tastes...as long as it's a quality book, I enjoy nearly every genre. When I write though, I'm going to mix it up with fantasy, science fiction and the paranormal.

I look forward to schmoozing with you all. :cool:
Welcome back to Litopia. Great to see another old face...as it were...
Hello! I'm another new old member ;) went by Floot back in ye olde days (I'm sorry I couldn't help myself), so happy to see the Colony back!
Hi Hope/Diamond - I remember you - good to see you back! (I was fglaval in previous Litopia).
Welcome back! I was a member of the old as well, though my participation there and here has been lackluster at best. I shall attempt to log on more. :)
Welcome back! This is Agring from the old forum.... I too changed my name.
Hiya Diamond/Hope,

Nice to see you're back.

I haven't been very active on the forum. I have been busy with too many other activities...but, I have started a new book and it's over 10k so far.

What's new in your world?

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