Hello All I'm a new member!

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Hi, my name is Tim Rees. Just to introduce myself. I've had a memoir published by The History Press and I've written four novels so far. I look forward to meeting everyone.
Hi Tim. Congratulations on achieving a published memoir. As we learned yesterday in the pop-up submissions, not an easy feat.
Hi Jiannina, Good to meet you. About the pop-up submissions. Do we need to submit fresh every week or are previous weeks submissions considered for the following week?
Must be interesting
It was an interesting period in history, Eva, and I just happened to be there. Life is shared experience and the families of the colleagues I shared the experience with have found the memoir offers them understanding because we guys tend not to talk about this stuff. So that has been very rewarding. But really I'm a novelist and now the publishing industry is a shifting sand beneath our (novelists) feet, so I'm very interested in listening and trying to make sense of publishing today...
About the pop-up submissions. Do we need to submit fresh every week or are previous weeks submissions considered for the following week?

You only need to submit once. They all get on the show eventually. There is currently a backlog, but @AgentPete doesn't choose which ones go on and which ones do not. He puts them all on the show, in the order they were received, with one exception. See THIS THREAD for an explanation of that.

Hope this helps. :)
You only need to submit once. They all get on the show eventually. There is currently a backlog, but @AgentPete doesn't choose which ones go on and which ones do not. He puts them all on the show, in the order they were received, with one exception. See THIS THREAD for an explanation of that.

Hope this helps.
I submitted a very long time ago and my submission hasn't popped up...unless I missed it, which would be unlucky but I have trawled through tweets as far back as Feb to see if I'm mentioned and it seems not. Again, I may have missed it. Do you have any way of searching?
I submitted mine in Feb and it was only on Sunday. You mightn't have missed it, it's a long wait (although you can now purchase a Priority Submission if you're a patron). Read here.
I submitted in November and went live in April... but it was worth the wait as I was given advice I would never have got anywhere else, at any price- In fact, it's so valuable because of this very reason- it's free, no strings attached.
I submitted a very long time ago and my submission hasn't popped up...unless I missed it, which would be unlucky but I have trawled through tweets as far back as Feb to see if I'm mentioned and it seems not. Again, I may have missed it. Do you have any way of searching?

Please send @AgentPete a private message and ask about it.
Hi Jiannina, Good to meet you. About the pop-up submissions. Do we need to submit fresh every week or are previous weeks submissions considered for the following week?
Hi Tim, I'm a fairly new member so I'm not too familiar with the whole process, but I think there's a fairly long waiting list. It could take months before your submission 'pops-up'. Ha-ha! Recently Pete said that he was thinking of giving members priority. However, it's not wasted time. You learn heaps from following the aired submissions of others and listening to the comments that follow.
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