Harper Inspire - Open Submissions

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
Harper Inspire, the imprint that publishes last Sunday’s Pop-Up guest, Shaun Curry, have been in touch to say that they will be launching 'open submissions' on 30th September. They’re looking for “inspirational writing in fiction and non-fiction.”

If you fall into this category, I suggest you watch out for it – and it won’t hurt a bit to mention mention Shaun / Pop-Ups / Litopia to them :)
That's fantastic Pete. I think I'll send them the "stiletto heels and ankle socks" because the one on demons isn't quite ready yet. And of course I'll mention Shaun, since that's okay with him. :D
Probably not wise to rush, but you never know. I watched an author the other day who said she wrote a book in 6 days. A trad published book. But that wasn't her first trad published book and I think it was MG.
I only need to write the ending, but I also found an exorcist who can explain why things happened; so I need to insert that information throughout the relevant parts of the book... but mostly when I write, I need to THINK. However, I do believe this ms is the one I should send- it is much more relevant to our times. Thanks for your interest Rachael, I do appreciate it.
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